Need money but don't know how to get it? Look no further!
1. Get a pickle jar and label it "COLORGUARD" and go around asking people to donate spare change. Might not get a lot but it's something!
2. Sell suckers! The lip suckers go good at my school. Or sell spirit jewelry. Some band moms from my school looked around and found some bracelets with paws on it (my school's mascot is lions) and they sold really well and were very cheap to buy!
3. Do a car wash! Don't charge, accept donations... you usually get about $300 and it's a good way to bring your guard together. Don't forget to advertise!
4. Bellhop for Sonic. You collect tips. I suggest making signs for each menu... thing. We collected about $300.
5. Have a guard garage sale. The band at my school usually holds them, but if you just get the guard to bring a bunch of old things (spring cleaning!) and do it on a Saturday morning, you could get a good turn out. Don't forget to advertise!
6. Try selling old flags or uniforms... Make sure they're clean and there aren't any rips! There are some websites that sell used stuff, kind of like ebay. I'll get the link someday...
7. Sell hot chocolate at a soccer game or try to work a concession stand at school.