This is a little section for tips on getting more people in guard!
1. Hold a clinic for the middle schoolers. This is also a good fundraiser: charge them a little bit (like for equipment feese/use) and then hold a performance at the end. I've seen this done with drill team, and the little kids performed before a football game.
2. Make posters and hang them around school! Try adding some terms people generally don't know so that people will come up to you and ask about it!
3. Have them do announcements over the PA system!
4. Visit middle schools during the fine arts hour and talk to the kiddies about guard, explaining what it is, and maybe show a video tape of a performance. You could also try bringing a rifle or a sabre and doing some spins. That's a good way to entice! This happened when I was in 8th grade. You could also try performing your WG show for feeder schools.
5. Hang flyers into feeder schools announcing a meeting for anyone interested (mostly for 8th graders) and this could be another way to present yourself instead of interrupting class!